Neonatal aEEG

Continuous EEG monitoring of new born brains across multiple sites

Neonatal Seizures are an Emergency

It is well-documented that seizures in the neonatal period are relatively common. The presence of these neonatal seizures, however, is known to be a powerful predictor of long-term cognitive and developmental impairment.


Continuous EEG Monitoring

Designed for aEEG / CFM use

Stratus EEG monitor can be deployed in a few short minutes, utilising Incereb’s neon electrode array - a quick and easy solution for placement of eight or twelve electrodes.


Clear trends

Up to eight trends can be be added, including

  • aEEG

  • Bursts per minute

  • Inter-burst interval

  • Burst-suppression ratio

In the background, the full EEG is being recorded. Data from NIRS and ICU monitors can be recorded time synchronised with the EEG and video.

Consult with specialists

Quickly connect with colleagues and specialists at crucial moments

Neonatologists and neurologists are able to quickly login and review trends, scroll EEG and video using Stratus Web-Centrum, a multi-platform web based Review software from wherever they happen to be working, even from home.


Monitor Multiple ICU Systems With Team Monitor

Multiple ICU systems can be monitored across several wards using the latest innovative Team Monitor

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“Electroencephalography (EEG) provides useful information about neonatal brain health and prognosis.”

Please Get in touch.

If you would like to know more about our Ambulatory EEG solutions, please fill out and submit the form below and we will get back to you shortly.